Cleanup additive DL-12 for fracturing


The performance of the product is excellent, and it can effectively reduce the surface tension of the fracturing fluid and make the flowback of the fracturing fluid to be complete, and lessen the injury caused by the fracturing fluid to the formation, Besides, it has strong heat and sanitary tolerance and good compatibility, and it has no bad effect on the performance of fracturing fluid, and its applied range is large, there will be no obvious effect for the surface activity of the product within a PH value from 2.0 to 12.0 and in saturated potassium chloride water solution.

Applied standard: Q/FB003-2006
Technical specifications: 

Item Index
Appearance Light yellow or yellow liquid
Density g/cm3 0.95~1.05
pH value 6~8
Water-solubility No layers when mixed with water
Surface tension ,mN/m,≤ 23


Recommended dosage:
0.2%-1.0% of the liquid amount.
Package and storage:
the product shall be packed with clean, seamless and leak plastic drum of 200KG. They should be stored in cool dry place, and keep away from the fire source, and prevent the sunlight exposure and rain. 




